Content Architecture

The Container Model

The conventions of a Opps site is the modelo opps.containers.models.Container. Each container instance is stored in a hierarchical tree to form the content navigation, and an interface for managing the structure of the navigation tree is provided in the admin via opps.containers.admin.ContainerAdmin.

Creating Custom Content Type

In order to handle different content type that require more structured content than provided by the Post, Album or Link model, you can simply create your own models that inherit from Container. For example if we wanted to have content that were music, author and studio:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.db import models
from opps.containers.models import Container

class Musics(Container):
    music = models.CharField(_(u"Music"), max_length=140)
    author = models.CharField(_(u"Author"), max_length=140)
    studio = models.CharField(_(u"Studio"), max_length=200)

    class META:
        verbose_name = _('Music')
        verbose_name_plural = _('Musics')

Next you’ll need to register your model with Django’s admin to make it available as a content type. If your content type only exposes some new fields that you’d like to make editable in the admin, you can simply register your model using the opps.containers.admin.ContainerAdmin class:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.contrib import admin
from opps.containers.admin import ContainerAdmin
from .models import Musics, ContainerAdmin)